600,000 Senders. Categorized.

Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2019


Yesterday we deployed a new batch of updates to Notablist. You may already have noticed a freshening up of the user interface (new fonts, cleaner look) and some bug fixes for various glitches. But if that was all we had to report, this blog post would be pointness.

So in addition to those things, today we’re very pleased to announce that each of the 600,000+ senders we track is now categorized in one or more of nearly 400 IAB verticals. Naturally, this applies to all of the nearly 40MM email campaigns we’ve archived, as well.

New: Categories

From the common to obscure, categorizations open up a world of possibilities for building highly granular prospect lists of senders and/or their campaigns.

How granular? Really, really granular. In the words of one of our beta testers:

“I just found gardening campaigns from the Czech Republic sent using GoDaddy!”

That’s probably not your thing, but it should get the point across that combining categorizations with any of the other filters we provide will instantly yield search results that far exceed anything you could hope to recreate manually.

New: Searchable, Scrollable Filters

And speaking of filters, we’ve updated several of of them to make it easier to find what you need without scrolling through long lists of choices. (If you like finger exercise, you’re still welcome to make generous use of your mouse’s scroll wheel.)

To find what you need now using, say, the category filter, click the filter, begin typing a category name, then select the appropriate choice when it’s shown. Simple. No scrolling through the hundreds of choices that filters like Category provide.

This applies to the following filters:

  • Category
  • Country
  • Language
  • Technology

Here’s an example of the filters in action. We’re looking for senders that:

  1. Use MailChimp
  2. … are categorized as ‘Wine’
  3. …and send in Italian.
Find senders categorized as ‘wine’, that send in Italian and use MailChimp

Okay, let’s try that again, this time looking for campaigns instead of senders.

Whether you’re combining these filters or any of the other filters Notablist provides, it just that easy to instantly zero in on exactly the senders or campaigns you need.

About Notablist

Notablist is a real-time competitive intelligence platform for the email marketing landscape. We help sales and marketing teams succeed by providing actionable insights on the sending practices of over 600,000 emailers worldwide.

To learn more, download a case study and discover how PostUp streamlined their sales development process with Notablist.

If you’d like to speak with us, schedule a demo or get in touch.

